Turquoise - Garnet - Hemalite bracelet

  • $75.00
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Stones: Turquoise - Hematite - Garnet

Stretchy band
Size: 7”

Stone properties:

🌞 Turquoise is a purification stone. It sends a cool refreshing energy into us when we feel spiritually tired and need to be nourished and restored to our selves.
It balances and aligns the chakras and meridians, as well as our male and female energies.
It is a stone for self forgiveness, self acceptance and the release of useless regrets, It encourages you to honour yourself as a creation and a tool of the Divine.

🌞 Throughout history, Hematite has been known as a stone of great healing power and also for its ability to serve as a protective cloak. This stone brings a deep heartfelt confidence thanks to its ability to stop toxic emotions in their tracks. It’s connected to the root chakra, which is the foundation of our stability in this world.

🌞 Garnet cleanses & re-energises the chakras
- It fortifies, activates & strengthens the survival instincts which then gives courage & hope in what appears to be a hopeless situation
- It stimulates the brain to think of ideas & concepts in new ways. It can nurture the inner creator.